l, L l La. LA lab label labor laboratory Labor Day labor union lace lack lacquer lacrosse lad ladder laden ladle lady ladybug lag lagoon laid lain lair lake lamb lame lamp lance land landing landlady landlord landmark landscape landslide lane language lantern Laos lap¹ lap² lap³ lapel lapse larch lard large large intestine largely lariat lark¹ lark² larkspur larva laryngitis larynx laser lash¹ lash² lass lasso last¹ last² latch late lately lateral lathe lather Latin Latin America Latin American latitude latter lattice laugh laughable laughter launch¹ launch² launch pad launder Laundromat laundry laurel lava lavatory lavender lavish law lawful lawn lawn mower lawsuit lawyer lay¹ lay² layer lazy lb. lead¹ lead² leader leaf leaflet league¹ league² leak lean¹ lean² leap leapfrog leapt leap year learn learned learning learnt lease leash least leather leave¹ leave² leaves Lebanon lecture led ledge lee leech leek left¹ left² left-hand left-handed leftover leg legal legend legendary leggings legible legion legislation legislative legislature legitimate legume lei leisure lemon lemonade lend length lengthen lengthwise lenient lens lent Lent lentil leopard leotard leprosy less -less lessen lesser lesson let let’s letter letter carrier lettering lettuce level lever levy liable liar liberal liberate Liberia liberty librarian library Libya lice license lichen lick licorice lid lie¹ lie² lieutenant life lifeboat life cycle lifeguard lifeless lifelike lifelong life preserver lifesaving life span lifetime lift lift-off ligament light¹ light² lighten¹ lighten² lighthearted lighthouse lighting lightning lightning bug light pen light-year likable -like like¹ like² likelihood likely likeness likewise liking lilac lily lily of the valley lima bean limb lime¹ lime² limerick limestone limit limp¹ limp² Lincoln’s Birthday line¹ line² linear linen liner linger lining link linking verb linoleum linseed oil lion lioness lip lipstick liquid liquor lira lisp list¹ list² listen lit liter literacy literally literate literature litmus paper litter little Little Dipper live¹ live² livelihood lively liver livery lives livestock livid living living room lizard llama load loaf¹ loaf² loan loathe loathsome loaves lobby lobster local locality locate location lock¹ lock² locker locket lockjaw locksmith locomotion locomotive locust lode lodestone lodge lodger lodging loft lofty log loganberry logger logic logical LOGO loin loiter lollipop lone lonely lonesome long¹ long² long-distance longhand longhorn longing longitude look looking glass lookout loom¹ loom² loon loop loose loose-leaf loosen loot lopsided lord lose loss lost lot lotion lotus loud loudspeaker Louisiana lounge louse lovable love lovely loving low lower lower case low tide loyal loyalty lubricate luck luckily lucky lug luggage lukewarm lull lullaby lumber¹ lumber² lumberjack luminous lump lunar lunch luncheon lung lunge lure lush luster lute Luxembourg luxuriant luxurious luxury -ly¹ -ly² lye lying¹ lying² lymph lynx lyre lyric lyrical